12:10 PM
Well, Santorum's pumped up for a big showing next week, although he's not quite going all in to predict a top spot in the caucuses. Here's the video from Linkmaster Smith:

But check Flopping Aces, "Newt Implodes As Santorum Surges."

Meanwhile, Robert Stacy McCain is on the ground with first-hand reports. See, "Republicans With Shotguns."

BONUS: Mark Blumenthal has a big analysis on the polling situation in Iowa, "Iowa Caucus Polls: Ron Paul And Mitt Romney Lead, But Surprises Likely" (via Memeorandum).

Added: Tina Korbe has this, "Santorum: If I finish “dead last” in Iowa, I’ll drop out." Yeah, maybe Santorum's just putting on the happy face. He couldn't even bag that Steve King endorsement, so what can you do?


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