1:45 AM
It was Tuesday, actually.

But interesting, in any case. At Wired, "Aug. 7, 1991: Ladies and Gentlemen, the World Wide Web."

When I applied to graduate school in 1991 it was all snail mail.

At UCSB, I think it wasn't until 1994, or maybe even 1995, that the university assigned mandatory email accounts. I didn't have my own dial-up connection until about 1997, from AT&T Worldnet service. When I completed my dissertation in early 1999, literally just a couple of my citations were online sources --- from H-Net history reviews.

But since about 2000 or so --- and certainly since around the time I started blogging in 2006 --- the web has been the central source of news and information in my life.

Weird how the technology changes, changes your life, and changes society.

Via Instapundit.


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