6:00 PM
At Big Journalism, "Panicked AP Attempts to Memory-Hole Democrats’ #Occupy Endorsements":
Thanks to the rise of New Media and our unwillingness to let the MSM’s lies, bias, and cover ups stand for even one more day, Occupy is in its death throes and might take the President and Democratic party down with it. First and foremost, we uncovered the lie that Occupy was grassroots and then we exposed every Occupy rape, poop, death, overdoese, old woman thrown down the stairs, attack on a police officer, and public act of masturbation. In the process, public opinion turned against the Occupiers and as a result these Leftists have started doing what the Left always does when they lose, have a tantrum.
Via Ed Driscoll, "Obama, MSM Trapped in Obamaville."

And also at Lonely Conservative, "Suddenly Elizabeth Warren Wants to Distance Herself from OWS."


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