1:00 AM
See Urban Infidel, "Occupy Wall Street: Zucotti Square Day 53 & Counting - The Crazy Has Set In."

"Them people in Palestine, you killing ‘em so bad that they gotta strap themselves up with bombs, and go take buses into Israel and blow themselves up and die. Ain’t a Israeli person going into Palestine, strapping themselves up with a bomb, and killed one Palestinian person. They gonna shoot them with guns, they gonna shoot them with [fire]. They ain’t got no heart, because they don’t have no righteousness. There’s no love for that. You got to really be about what you’re saying to sacrifice your life. C’mon, don’t tell me that they’re about that. C’mon, man, don’t talk to me about that, Israel. When you said that, I got to stop you, because what you’re saying is the lies. Actual lie. They’re not about peace. Israel is doing the same thing to the Palestinians that the Germans did to the Jews. Bottom line. They’re doing the same thing to the Palestinians that the Germans did to them."
The Jews are Nazis?

Man, that's some rancid stuff, and there's a whole lot more at Urban Infidel. I'm still waiting for the MFM to wake up and smell the coffee, because what they're saying is lies.

See Zombie as well, "Fresh anti-Semitic videos coming out of Occupy Wall Street."


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