4:00 AM
At LAT, "McCourt and Major League Baseball will seek approval from Bankruptcy Court to auction the team that he bought in 2004."

Plus, "Peter O'Malley wants to run Dodgers":
Peter O'Malley, whose family owned the Dodgers for nearly half a century, said Wednesday he would like to run the team once again.

O'Malley said he hopes to lead an investment group that would buy the Dodgers, enabling him to return as the team's chief executive.

"I want to reconnect the team and the community," O'Malley said.

When he spoke out last fall, in urging owner Frank McCourt to sell the Dodgers, O'Malley said he had no interest in returning as owner or president of the team.

McCourt agreed to sell on Tuesday, in an abrupt end to his two-year court fight to retain ownership of the Dodgers.

"The health of the organization has deteriorated in the last 12 months," O'Malley said. "The standing of the organization in the community has deteriorated.

"I am confident I can restore it to respectability quicker, sooner and probably better than — or at least as well as — anyone else."
Let's hope so. I'd hate to see the Dodgers sold out of area, or go belly up altogether.


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