2:00 AM
At National Journal, "A Tale of Two Kraushaars":
When I first heard that one of Herman Cain's accusers had the same last name as me, I immediately recognized there was a possibility I could get sucked into the media firestorm. After all, Kraushaar isn't the most common surname -- and I worked for Politico for several years. It wouldn't take much for some to wonder if there was a connection.

But I never expected a presidential campaign spokesman to go on national television, without even contacting me, and falsely implicate me in the whole sordid scandal. Yesterday I'd received e-mails from dozens of reporters, friends and colleagues asking if I was related to Karen Kraushaar -- and I promptly told them that wasn't the case. I wasn't contacted at all by Cain's chief of staff Mark Block, or anyone else from Cain's campaign. Despite that, Block proceeded to go on Sean Hannity's Fox News show to proclaim that I was Karen Kraushaar's son and to suggest I was one of the people who leaked the story.
Continue reading.

RELATED: At Legal Insurrection, "The worst thing anyone could do is falsely accuse someone of … working for Politico."


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