4:00 AM
My campus is in North Long Beach, quite a distance from downtown. But the city's a major metropolitan area, and of course residents are quite familiar with urban ills, especially aggressive panhandling.

At Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Long Beach to weigh beggary law." And, "Long Beach council OKs panhandling restrictions."

RELATED: "Occupy Long Beach halts council meeting." It wasn't about panhandling. Just sleeping in the park. But the city council may cave to the occupy goons:
Obstinate protesters were upset by the council's perceived unresponsiveness on the issue. City park ordinances force demonstrators to leave Lincoln Park after 10 p.m. and forbid erecting tents overnight.

Increasingly vocal audience members shouted down Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal, who is presiding over the council while Mayor Bob Foster is abroad.

Lowenthal deemed the unruly group "out of order."

"You're out of order!" a protester shouted.

Dozens of others joined in a chant. "The whole world is watching! The whole world is watching!"
I hope so.


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