8:40 PM
Funny, but earlier I watched the Newt Gingrich interview with Piers Morgan on CNN: "What's wrong with America? Newt Gingrich says we 'got off on several wrong tracks'." Morgan was practically slobbering over the guy. As readers know, Gingrich is not my favorite. He's got the worst people skills, seriously. I can't imagine voting for him. But Gingrich is generating some attention as the accusations against Herman Cain take their toll. (And also amid the growing grassroots resistance to Mitt Romney's inevitability.)

See Dorothy Rabinowitz, "Why Gingrich Could Win."

Rabinowitz is enamored of Gingrich's wonkishness, and she sees Romney, Perry, and Gingrich as the top-tier candidates come January. That sounds reasonable, but forgive me if I'm not bowled over by the choices.

William Jacobson has more, "Fear of Newt on blog-team Romney."


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