5:50 PM
At Gallup (via Memeorandum):

Republicans are most likely to predict that Mitt Romney will be their party's 2012 presidential nominee. The 45% who believe Romney will win the nomination exceeds the combined 35% who think any other candidate will win, including 13% who say Herman Cain and 9% who say Rick Perry.
Keep reading.

Romney has a lot of weaknesses as a potential GOP frontrunner, compared to previous candidates for the nomination.

RELATED: At Atlas Shrugs, "We Must Not Choose Obama Lite: Courageous Foreign Policy Leadership Must Define GOP Nominee":
The struggle for the nomination is now. And I am so sick and tired of the enemedia and the subversive left destroying our most effective leaders on the right in their attempt to make them unelectable, all the while exalting vacuous vassals like Obama. They tried to do it to Reagan. They destroyed George W. Bush. They think they have done it to Sarah Palin, and now they are working on doing it to Herman Cain.

Not so fast, destroyers.

If they think they are going to pick our candidate this time (as they did with McCain in ‘08), they are in for a very rude surprise. Not. This. Time. We cannot let our domestic enemies define our leaders. We cannot let our domestic enemies destroy our most effective voices on the right. You must have seen by now that the more rational, the more effective, the more patriotic a Republican leader is, the more he or she is marginalized, ridiculed, destroyed.

This must stop, and we must stop it. The perspective and agenda that the chattering class, the media elites and their tools, are advancing will shatter in the face of reality.
Pamela highlights Michele Bachmann and expects her to improve in the polls. I'm not so sure, although I wish it were so.

More at Memeorandum.


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