3:40 AM
There's no pullout quotes at John Gray's essay, at the New York Review, "The Violent Visions of Slavoj Žižek." Read it all at the link.

Žižek thinks both Hitler and Stalin were pantywaists, although he says both Mao and Pol Pot were on the right track. At the piece he's pictured with a poster of Joseph Stalin above his bed, although he calls himself a Leninist, as Lenin proclaimed violence and terror as essential to the revolutionary project. In other words, the guy's all over the place, blatantly obscene ideologically (especially on the Jews), and a hero for the contemporary radical left --- which figures.

Slavoj Žižek

PREVIOUSLY: "Lady Gaga Attracts Marxist Philosopher Slavoj Žižek (and Vice Versa)."

PHOTO CREDIT: Wikimedia Commons.


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