Ok, let me put this in plain English for you, using the language of section 223 itself:By this definition, Casper's repeated indecent and harassing contacts directed to me against my wishes constitute a federal crime --- and this is why I will continue to repudiate Casper's criminal activities, and why I will not be bullied into silence or intimidated into withdrawal. This is bigger than this one progressive's attacks. Why on earth does Casper insist that he has a right to comment at the blog against my wishes, and why especially does he believe that he has a right to email me with malicious and annoying comments?
Anybody who uses the Internet to post or email any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other communication which is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or indecent, with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another person has just committed a Federal crime, for which they can be imprisoned, fined, or both.
The answer, of course, is that he's a progressive totalitarian. Progressives do not and will not tolerate difference, and that is what has been driving Casper since he became a troll stalker at this blog years ago. After I banned him he refused to stay away. And he and his allies have taken their malevolence to another level --- it's simply obscene what assholes like this think they can get away with and I refuse to be bullied. The man runs a hate blog pure and simple. I have reported him to the police. And as I noted by the officer, Casper's actions were indeed harassing and that such activities were possibly criminal actions under Section 653m of the California Penal Code. See my report: "California Penal Code Section 653m on Criminal Harassment With Intent to Annoy: Report on Unwanted Illegal Contacts by Fascist Hate-Blogger Walter James Casper III."
Now, since Casper has argued that he is not restrained by state law I have indicated I will take it to the federal level. I am researching my options under the law. If the harassment continues I will be speaking to my U.S. representative, and I'll contact federal law enforcement officials. I intend to show that Casper is harassing not only under Section 223 but that he may also be liable for federal civil rights violations. Casper's harassment could be driven by both ideological and racial bigotry. See the FBI's page, "Hate-fueled crimes are not just a thing of the past." Casper has a long history as attacking me as "halfrican' and he's also routinely made disparaging remarks against people of color, indicating, for example, that he judges people first by their racial and ethnic identities, which is a form of racial profiling. And top of that, I've long documented the racist hatred that's routinely spewed in the comments at Casper's harassment blog. It's a vile repository of hate. It's simply amazing that a radical leftist purportedly committed to racial equality could in fact be so filled with racial hatred as this. But again, progressives are totalitarian and I'm more than ready to use their racial rights regime to stop their own hate and intimidation.
So, all this is for the record. Walter James Casper III is on warning once again to stop the harassment. No one should be subject to that kind of hatred and campaigns of destruction simply for ideological disagreements. But these are progressives, so this is what they do by their essence. Leftists are freaks, dirtbags, and secular demons.
NOTE: Casper has commented here, earlier this morning. He is banned but for some reason feels he can act with impunity to comment and harass whenever he likes.
I'll update after I speak with the authorities. Comments are closed.
UPDATE: I have contacted my congressman's office and am waiting to hear back. This is the beginning of a federal investigation. I will also be notifying the Long Beach Police Department to get them into the loop, which will facilitate the inclusion of the congressional representative for the LBCC district. This is going to take some time and persistence, but that's what it takes to smack down the f-king progressive totalitarians.
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