9:00 PM
Well, Missouri's a beauty contest with no delegates, but Santorum scores some needed momentum and no doubt throws a monkey wrench in Romney's post-Florida victory parade.

See Bloomberg, "Santorum Gets Two Wins in Republican Race":

Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania won contests in Missouri and Minnesota today, shaking up the Republican presidential race just days after Mitt Romney had won two races in a row to claim front-runner status.

The Associated Press called Missouri for Santorum, as he had 55 percent of the vote, with 81 percent of precincts reporting. Romney had 25 percent and U.S. Representative Ron Paul of Texas had 12 percent. Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich wasn’t on the Missouri ballot.

The AP also projected a victory for Santorum in Minnesota’s caucuses, where he led with 46 percent of the vote with 38 percent of precincts reporting. Paul had 26 percent, followed by Romney with 16 percent and Gingrich with 11 percent.

The results suggest a lingering weakness for Romney, especially among the Republican Party’s most conservative voters who are focused on such social issues as their opposition to abortion and gay marriage.

At the same time, Santorum’s new strength may aid Romney in a prolonged fight for the nomination. A revitalized Santorum campaign may mean that he and Gingrich will continue to split the anti-Romney vote, leaving neither with a commanding count of delegates.
“After tonight, you’ll see this is a wide open race,” Gingrich said on CNN before the results began to be released.


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