4:10 PM
Here's the statement from the Komen Foundation, "Statement from Susan G. Komen Board of Directors and Founder and CEO Nancy G. Brinker."

And see Los Angeles Times, "Consultants weigh in on how Komen for the Cure handled the crisis":
The days-long roller coaster of statements and reactions from Susan G. Komen for the Cure about Planned Parenthood is a good lesson in bad crisis management, say consultants who have been watching the events unfold.

The situation has been a "total embarrassment" for Komen, said Tom Madden, chief executive of TransMedia Group, a Boca Raton, Fla.-based public relations ad crisis management company. "There should have been a lot of thought through that kind of decision, and it sounds to me like the ramifications and pressures they were under were not anticipated, which was a failure of planning. I can't believe an organization like Komen wasn't aware of what was going on."
Continue reading.

Actually, Komen did know what was going on, but I doubt they anticipated how intense the reaction would be. For progressives, if you're not pro-abortion you're basically a Nazi.

I'm sure I'll have more on this ...


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