And here's this, from Jill Stanek at Life Site News, "The inside story on Komen’s split from Planned Parenthood":
I was on the road this week when the news broke that Susan G. Komen for the Cure was defunding Planned Parenthood.Continue reading.
Since then abortion proponents and news organizations have worked themselves into a frenzy speculating why it happened and who is to blame – from George W. Bush, to new SGK VP of public policy Karen Handel.
This is the first chance I’ve had to sit down and write what I know.
I have a source who reaches into the SGK board of directors. My source told me in December this split was in the works but that SGK did not want to make a big splash about it. Their plan was to disentangle from Planned Parenthood quietly and move on.
It was Planned Parenthood, not SGK, that tipped off the Associated Press with the news of the break, just as it was Planned Parenthood that tipped off the AP about Live Action’s sex trafficking sting, and Planned Parenthood that tipped off Washington Post’s Sarah Kliff about Congressman Cliff Stearns’ investigation.
Planned Parenthood’s modus operandi is to try to destroy its enemy first. Planned Parenthood does this to try to manage the messaging and ameliorate the damage. Note from the AP article:Komen, while not publicly announcing its decision to halt the grants, has conveyed the news to its 100-plus U.S. affiliates. Richards said she was informed via a phone call from Komen’s president, Elizabeth Thompson, in December.My source said Planned Parenthood broke the story for an additional reason: to frighten other corporations from trying to do what SGK did. See what will happen to you if you dare, is Planned Parenthood’s underlying warning. My source said this will not work. Other organizations are anticipated to follow SGK’s lead.
And see Steve Ertelt, at Life News, "Komen Donations Jump 100% After Cutting Planned Parenthood."
BONUS: Check the New York Times' report, "Uproar as Komen Foundation Cuts Money to Planned Parenthood" (via Memeorandum).
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