6:00 AM
At Washington Post, "Gingrich vows to fight on to the convention."

And at New York Times, "Gingrich Pledges Bitter Battle Until Convention":

Newt Gingrich vowed again to stay in the Republican presidential contest until the convention in August and said he will spend the next several months engaged in a bitter battle with Mitt Romney.

Speaking to the press after the Nevada caucuses Saturday, Mr. Gingrich repeatedly hammered Mr. Romney as a pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-taxes candidate who has the backing of the Republican establishment.

“I am a candidate for president of the United States,” he said. “I will be a candidate for president of the United States. I will go to Tampa.”

Mr. Romney ignored Mr. Gingrich in his victory speech tonight. But Mr. Gingrich seemed insistent on making sure that his rival cannot simply look the other way.

He accused Mr. Romney of purposely leaking false information about Mr. Gingrich’s plans to drop out of the presidential race, calling that Mr. Romney’s “greatest fantasy” in the race.

And Mr. Gingrich said that recent meetings he held with donors were meant to map out a plan to continue getting his message out despite Mr. Romney’s superior fund-raising.

“The entire establishment will be against us,” he predicted. But he said that by appearing on national television and doing interviews in newspapers, he will spread his agenda.

“The American people want somebody who is genuinely conservative, who is prepared to change Washington,” Mr. Gingrich said.
The question, really, is where can Newt win? Where will he do well in upcoming states? And when? He needs to do something fast. I don't have the answers right now, but I'll check and update. It's one thing to pledge a campaign all the way to the GOP convention in Tampa. It's another thing to do so without making yourself look like a sore loser and a fool.

More from Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary, "New Newt? Same Sore Loser Strategy."


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