7:00 AM
Romney's no tea partier, and he's learning conservatism on the stump, with difficulty. But he's winning and he's looking more inevitable. And tea partiers won't have anywhere else to go --- and it'd be a disaster if they stayed home on election day.

At Boston Globe, "Tea Party voters more open to Romney":

RENO, Nev. - Tea Party activists, long dismissive of Mitt Romney, insist that most of the movement’s legions will back him if he continues to surge toward nomination, with a few already urging Republicans of all kinds to unite now to defeat President Obama.

The slowly building shift in outlook on Romney is by no means universal or set in stone. Some activists still express hope that Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, or Ron Paul will regain traction.

Yet, groups previously opposed to Romney are beginning to prepare their members to embrace the former Massachusetts governor as their best shot at defeating an incumbent president they distrust even more.
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